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We want to know what our customers think of the 2006 KONG Hummer. We Here at KONG LOVE IT.
Many of our customers think we should give one away. What do you think? We want to hear from you!


Don't Worry your information will be kept private.

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Coments : Let us know what you think!

KONG's Accounting Department has told us that if we blow away this quarter's sales targets, we can give away this
AWESOME KONG HUMMER in 2003!This is not so good for us. ( It's kinda like our baby)
But its GREAT FOR YOU!Thanks for helping us spread the word on the KONG HUMMER and our great product.

Tell a Friend Click Here!

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KONG is a trademark of KMS
Got Wood? is a trademark of KMS

Hummer is a trademark of GM Corp.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cause, or prevent any disease.

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FAX: 561.845.1262
E-mail: info@getkong.com

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